Explore quick and simple emergency repair tips for common forklift issues:
Oil Tank Damage: Wipe and clean oil leakage, temporarily seal with soap or bubble gum. Epoxy resin adhesive offers a more lasting fix.
Broken Oil Pipe: Clean, apply soap, wrap with cloth or tape, secure tightly with iron wire, and add another layer of soap.
Oil Pipe Leak: Sleeve with a suitable rubber or plastic pipe, secure with iron wire for a tight connection and prevent oil leakage.
Sand Holes in Cylinder Head: Use an electrician fuse to plug sand holes by gently tapping it with a hammer.
Oil Pipe Joint Leakage: Seal the joint by wrapping cotton yarn around the bell mouth, tighten the nut, or use bubble gum for a temporary fix.
Broken Sedimentation Cup: Cover inlet and outlet with adhesive tape or plastic pipe to bypass the sedimentation cup.
Inlet and Outlet Hose Breaks: Wrap a cloth with soap around minor cracks; for larger ruptures, cut, insert bamboo or iron pipe, and secure with iron wire.
Broken Fan Belt: Tie the broken belt with iron wire or drive cautiously by starting and stopping.
Screw Hole Slide Buckle: Hammer the original screw flat, increasing expansion on both sides, and fasten. For long-term repair, wait until the next maintenance.
Diaphragm or Oil Transfer Pump Damage: Replace diaphragm with cut and polished plywood or plastic cloth, or connect the oil pipe directly to the fuel injection pump.
Broken Valve Spring: Reverse the broken spring or create a makeshift spring seat groove using a cut iron sheet.
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