Do you need a forklift brake?

A forklift brake is a safety mechanism that applies the brakes on a forklift when it’s not in use. It cuts down on the number of accidents that happen involving forklifts. A forklift brake is an effective way to keep your workplace safe. It can be configured with various types and can be expensive. The number one advantage of selecting a high-quality, high-performance protective forklift brake is that the price per unit will be lower than traditional brake systems. The same type of brake can cost thousands of dollars in a shop. On the other hand, the same low-cost system will create minor wear on the stationary portion of equipment and potentially save thousands of dollars in repairs and maintenance.

During your forklift operation, you’re always in contact with the ground. When the ground contact point is changed, you must adapt your forklift operation to keep the brake from applying and not applying pressure. It can damage your forklift if your brakes are not correctly adjusted.

How to make the best decision for your forklift brakes?

A forklift brake system is a complex one made up of multiple components. You need to know how and where to begin when it comes to repairing or replacing your forklift brake system. Use the following tips to help you make the best decision for your forklift brakes:

1. Identify the problem. Find the situation and determine if it is repairable or replaceable. For example, if your forklift is rumbling or if the sensor is burnt out, you need to know how to fix it.

 2. Find the right tools. Tools are critical when working on brakes since they allow for accurate measurements of the brake arm from all sides. A calliper puller can help you determine which side needs to be measured. Steering or axle pullers can help you choose the location and alignment of the most critical brake handle. Low-profile measuring tools with foot pedals can measure accurately on uneven surfaces.

 3. Try it on. If you’ve ever struggled with replacing your brake calliper, it is helpful to try it on before tackling the job of installing a new brake system. It is easy to replace only the driver’s side brake, but removing all four rear braking axles to install new components could be a big mistake. What is more, a tool can easily slip out of fitment after multiple attempts. It’s helpful to install various tools first and then try them on.

 4. Measure and check. Once you’ve installed the intended brake parts, ensure that you’re measuring and checking the various parts against the specifications provided by ICMA. Brake caster arm must be measured to within 0.020″ — the correct measurement will vary based on the wheel assemblies and braking system’s size, shape, and construction. Brake shoe clearance and shoe angle should be measured on panels that allow a smooth fit. Brake shoe spring tension must be checked to account for any pulling or pushing from moving parts, such as the abutment.

How to make sure your brakes are working correctly?

Brakes are one of the most critical safety features of your forklift. It’s essential to make sure your brakes are working all the time correctly. The best way is to perform a brake test. It involves braking as hard as possible and then releasing the brake pedal. Use a wide-rear axle and lightweight wheels to ensure you have a good pushing test. 

We all know that newer forklifts will have electronic Brake assist, Electronic Brake assist (EBD), which essentially means the brakes work. Since this helps you, you can use your stress test to ensure your brakes are working correctly. It is different from mechanical or brake-by-wire brakes.

 If your forklift uses a mechanical system, your brakes will tell you when a lift or fall into a pothole should occur. If this fails to happen, your brakes will notify you when the torque is too high or if the car has lost the rear indicator lights. Brakes on a forklift using an electronic system have no such caution.

 Most people walk around looking for the newest shiny part. They want to be the first with a shiny part. They think it will make them cool, think they’ll look different. Wrong. A shiny feature will NOT make you show off to other drivers. A shiny part is a distraction. It takes away from the fundamental objective, which is safety.

 Use the following tips to ensure your car has the right set of brakes. Your forklift should have the right brake applied when using the front brakes.

It’s important to note that there are two brake pads, Disc Brakes and Drum Brakes. These are essentially the same. The main difference is that disc brakes are calliper wheels mounted to the front axles, while drum brakes are axles mounted to the rear axles.

 What are the factors of forklift brakes to consider?

Forklift brakes can be found in two types: drum brakes and disc brakes. Disc brakes are more common; they are attached to the forklift wheels. Drum brakes are connected to the forks. When the brake pedal is pressed, it causes the brake shoes to squeeze against the inside of the drum. Based on their functions, there are some characteristics to look out for when picking your drum or disc brake combination.

 If you are not satisfied with conventional drum brake technology, you might have been lucky enough to experience the reman drum brake. This custom-produced brake has been designed to overcome the honking and rubbing issues that plagued the drum brake predecessor. Due to its innovative design, reman drum brake forks can come in a wide range of diameters, both for the forklift truck and itself.

 Note: This feature is available with some reman drum brake kits.

Many truckers use disc brakes as their primary means of reducing braking time. There are several advantages to using a disc brake, the main one being safety.

When taken to extreme levels, the braking system becomes unstable. The previous redundant braking system on drum brakes has been replaced with a single device. There are no brushes or slides to rub or wear down.

A drum brake system is also much more affordable than a disc brake system. Except for hybrid trucks with disc brakes, the drum brake is the standard on passenger vehicles.

 You could benefit from having an additional cosmetic maintenance-free part of your suspension system. The twisted axle will also increase stopping power and provide a more stable ride.

There will often be two or more brake systems on modern parts lists on a vehicle. While choosing the right brake system can be difficult, using the right parts can be more.

I hope this blog is helpful. Please click here for more about our forklift parts.